- Fundamental knowledge of sector administration and financing practices. At EIM, established a successful business group FINANCIAL SERVICES for clients including ING, Fortis, RABOBANK, Ministry of Finance. Focused on research on ACCESS TO FINANCE, for micro and Small- and Medium sized Enterprises. Numerous studies and published articles on this, in F&O (Mergers & Acquisitions), Economische Statistische Berichten (ESB), etc. Examples of projects:
- Benchmark-studies among EU member states for the European Observatory of SMEs (1997 & 1999), contributions on Financial Services (including accounting and taxation services).
- International Benchmark of External Financing Possibilities for SMEs and Policy Measures. Included countries: The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and USA.
- Technology Rating, alternative rating of SMEs particularly including so-called intangible assets in order to improve eligibility to attract capital.
- The valueing and/or disclosing of intangible business assets in the SME sector, 1998, Study on private sector development in relation to acquiring external financing by SMEs through validating intangible assets and proposal of policy measures.
- The Functioning of the Municipal Credit Banks in relation to access to external finance and loans for small businesses.
- Strong experience in public finance management, audit, control and financial oversight: 2+ years employment at MINISTRY OF FINANCE, Advisory Board on Regulatory Burden (ACTAL). ACTAL was part of the regulatory reform agenda of The Netherlands, labeled WORLD LEADER in a World Bank Review, 2007, and through employment at EIM, as initiator of successful research group Financial Services.
- Nigeria, DFID / Ministry of Commerce, Nigeria. Position: Expert on Regulatory Reform. Enhancing Nigerian Advocacy for a Better Business Environment (ENABLE) Program. Assisted the Ministry in the improvement of the quality and quantity of business advocacy and Public-Private Dialogue (PPD), resulting in an improved legal, policy and regulatory environment for business, not at least aimed at foreign investors/businesses. More specific: designed and carried out a PPD-project on Multiple Taxation: designed and delivered workshops and trainings to the Ministry officials to develop and implement the PPD Work Plan. The Project resulted in “Goal Level Impact”; the final report, a Green Paper on regulatory recommendations on Multiple Taxation, was adopted by Enugu State government, and transferred in commitment to regulatory change (Policy White Paper).
- Nigeria, DFID / Ministry of Commerce, Nigeria. Economic Impact Assessment on Cashless Policy of the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN), resulting in a report containing the estimated impacts of the CHANGES (changes in compliance costs of cash withdrawals and deposits) in CBN’s Cashless Policy on sector-differentiated MSMEs and poor men and women. The report also contained a description of the methodology employed, including a survey among 800 SMEs and stakeholder-interviews. The report concludes with policy recommendations for changes in the Cashless Policy.
NOTE: Projects in Nigeria were conducted on the basis of M4P, Making Markets Work for the Poor, a project cycle management approach which aims at improving the quality of projects in terms of impact, sustainability and scale. This approach provides a comprehensive tool for strategic planning, project identification, understanding of market systems, operational planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects to improve markets systems for the poor. The approach was developed by the Springfield Centre in the UK, with the financial support of DFID.
- Vietnam Tax Simplification Project – in-depth study on taxation of un-incorporated business households (proposal). IFC and the Vietnam General Department of Taxation (GDT), under the Ministry of Finance, are collaborating on implementation of a tax simplification project that aims at improving the tax regulatory environment for M-SMEs by reducing the time and financial cost of tax compliance faced by taxpayers, especially small and micro businesses, and reducing administration costs faced by tax authorities (proposal).