Trade & Trade Law
- (06/2009 – 03/2010) In the context of the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme in Suriname, prepared an Action Plan to improve competitiveness and assist institutions to implement measures and simplify procedures; Conducted diagnostic and benchmarking of Suriname’s competitiveness and assisted the Ministry of Trade and Industry in presentation of the results; Prepared draft reform of the Decree E-24 SB, 145 and 147, on business Licensing for the Sectors Trade, Industry, Craft Industry and Tourism.
- 2006-2008. At ACTAl responsible for projects relating to ICT and e-government and Adminstrative Simplification, such as: Digital Client Dossier, Eleectronic Client Dossier, Use of XBRL in banking, accounting, and private sector, Data retention.
- 6 years of experience in ICT-companies, notably Inter Access and NetlinQ Framfab. Responsible for projects like,, development of the portal for the Port of Rotterdam one of the world’s largest sea-ports, State Government Intranet, Managing simplification projects for reducing administrative burdens for the Ministries, local government, and government agencies. For the State Execution Agency on ICT (ICTU, advisory project on the governmental portal ‘’.
- Development and deployment of a training program on innovation policies for a selected group of policy advisors of innovation network Syntens and Chambers of Commerce. Project duration: 5 months.
- B&A Group Research & Advisory, Monitoring & Evaluation of the transportation innovation platform Connekt.
- Jonkheer, K.R. (1999) Multimedia business in The Netherlands – size, composition, convergence and interwovenness in multimediabusiness industry in the Netherlands, policy research financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Project duration: 3 months.
- Strategic study on New Services and business regulation in the USA for the Enterprise Directorate (then DGXXIII) of the EC, a study on new services (e-business, internet/telecommunication) as main driver of private sector development. Project duration: 2 months.
- Several projects on competition and competition enhancement strategies for the private sector of government regulators. As part of the large governmental program of privatizing ‘nuts services’ or highly regulated markets, such as the energy sector, telecommunication, transportation (a very well-known case is the privatizing of the market of taxi services), brokerage, publishing industry. Project financer: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Project duration: 1-3 months per project.
- Development and implementation of policy advice on regulatory reform as part of the governmental operation on privatization and competition, in the sectors telecommunication, transportation and brokerage. Project financer: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Project duration: 3 months.
- Information technology and telematics in wholesale business; are they a recognisable factor of production in the (international) competition?, project financer: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Project duration: 6 months.
- Jonkheer, K.R. et al., International Comparison of External Financing Possibilities for SMEs and Policy Measures, 1997. Extensive international consultancy project on differences in regulation in the field of access to external finance opportunities, for the private sector esp. innovative SMEs. Included countries in the benchmark: The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Project financer: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Conclusion was that information asymmetry is one of the biggest problems in functioning of capital markets. Project duration: 6 months.
- Responsible for the ‘over-all’ contributions on topics finance, innovation and ICT in the yearly publication of The European Observatory for SMEs, a project for and financed by DG Enterprise of the EC, conducted by the European Network for Social and Economic Research (ENSR). Role: research and chief editor of contributions of all member states of the EU private sector development in the field of finance, innovation and ICT. 1997 & 1999. Project duration: 2 months.
- KR Jonkheer and P. Th. van der Zeijden, The valuing and/or disclosing of innovative, technological, intangible business assets in the SME sector, 1998, Study on private sector development in relation to acquiring external financing by SMEs through validating intagible assets and proposal of policy measures. Project financer: ING Bank/Stichting Technology Rating. Project duration: 4 months.