- (2023) Drafting of a EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Handbook.
- (2022) Consultancy Services for developing a mechanism for assessing the potential of Member State Non-Tariff Measures to pose as Technical Barriers to Trade, for the SADC-EU Trade Related Facility.
- (2022) For the EU-funded Facility for the Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement-II, in the role of Senior Expert conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Construction Products Regulation, specifically applied to Technical Regulations for Construction Products, in relation to World Customs Organization Harmonised Standards, and EU CE Marking.
- (2022) Tanzania: Supervision and Advisory services for the Business Environment, Growth and Innovation (BEGIN) programme Component I’, Impact Assessment on the “Regulatory Reform Blueprint”. Regulatory Reform in context of EU-EAC EPA covering trade in Goods and Services, and Trade Related Issues (competition policy, investment and private sector development, intellectual property rights, trade and sustainable development, and transparency in public procurement).
- (2021-2022) Consultancy Service to Facilitate Trade related Capacity-building Training workshops for Members of the SADC Technical Regulation Liaison Committee (TRLC) on the Principles of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the SADC-EU Trade Related Facility.
- (2021) As subcontractor for ICF Consulting, prepare Studies in support of the Regulatory Impact Assessments on the revision of the Long Term Residents Directive, and the Single Permit Directive for the Commission Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), the revision of the Feed Additives Regulation for Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).
- (2019) Mauritius: Bid Consultant for an extensive proposal (Rationale, Strategy + LogFrame) on the project ‘Improving Business and Investment Climate’. The overall objective of the Improving the Business and Investment Climate Project is to support Mauritius with the implementation of the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) by improving the business and investment climate.
- (2016) SADC-EU TRF Short Term Assignment Botswana SPS management and control. Technical Assistance to the SADC-EU Trade Related Facility. Project in: Botswana.
- (2016) Team leader – Business Environment Expert (Category I) Support in Formulisation of a Business Environment Programme, for the EU Delegation in Egypt.
- (2015) Technical Assistance to the Administrative Simplification in Selected Ministries in Lebanon (Ministries of Social Affairs, Tourism, Public Health and Industry. Project funded by EuropeAid (EuropeAid/134308/D/SER/LB Lebanon).
- (2015) Key Expert Strengthening the capacity of Egyptian Regulatory Reform and Development Activity (ERRADA) functions in the Government. Assess and provide solutions related to regulatory impact assessment. In particular: 1) review and analyze the RIA guide of ERRADA, 2) conduct two studies to be defined by ERRADA in order to train the staff 3) contribute to drafting the concept note on institutionalization of ERRADA. Project funded by EuropeAid (EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi (LOT 10 : Trade, Standards and Private Sector).
- (2014) Project Development supporting negotiation-positions of SADC-member states concerning the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on Trade in Services between the EU and SADC (Southern Africa). Sector profile studies specifically focused on SMEs and regulatory framework analysis, as preparation for sector-specific negotiations between EU and SADC-members, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique. EU-LINK: The Regional Economic Integration Support (REIS) programme is designed to assist SADC to implement its mandate, given to the SADC Secretariat, to effect regional integration in the economic and trade sectors. This falls within the 10th EDF (EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND) SADC-EU response strategy of regional economic integration.
- (2010-2011) SCM Training Malta. “Appropriate SCM and BR Procedures Manual Training Programmes, and subsequently deliver such training to identified public officials, BRU staff and other key personnel”. In any case, given the commitment of the MT ABR Target with the EU the project is to be delivered by not later than the 31st December 2012. This project (contract) was done with ESF funding.
- (2008) RIA Programme for the Netherlands Antilles for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Funding: 10th EDF.
- (2008) European High Level Expert Group on Administrative Burdens (Advisory Board for European Commission): Supported preparations of EU Action Plan on Reducing Administrative Burdens; Developed new methods for measurement of the compliance with the system of taxation; Provided advice on effective methods for measuring compliance with the tax system and proposed more effective measures for compliance, implying fewer burdens for businesses.
- 2006-2008. ACTAL. At ACTAL Kees reviewed many European Directives and Regulations, both in the development stage, as in the stage of regulatory impact assessment on national legislations and regulations in The Netherlands. These assessments always were conducted in European context of deregulation, harmonisation and issues like gold-plating.
- Education: European Trade Law I & II, University of Utrecht, 1990-1991.
- Education: Regulatory Impact Assessment Training, College d’Europe (Bruges) & JC&A, 2007.