Trade Facilitation: Impact Assessment on the Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Handling in the Greater Mekong Subregion
For the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, as International Impact Assessment Specialist in coordination with national impact assessment specialist perform an impact assessment on the improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) handling in the Greater Mekong Subregion, consisting of the following tasks:
1. Review the Project Administrative Manual, Project Quarterly Progress reports and other related documents.
2. Review the changes before and after the project for plant health, animal health, food safety and education based on the outcome and output of the project.
3. Design the questionnaire and methodology for the data collection from Component Implementation Units (CIUs), Line Ministries, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO), traders, Food Business Operators (FBOs), Farmers and others.
4. Design and Evaluation of Human Resource Capacity Building relating to Curriculum Development, teacher training and graduate’s field study.
5. Conduct consultation with PMU and CIUs to finalize the indicators and data collection formats.
6. Prepare appropriate sample size to meet the requirement for data collection.
7. Develop action plan for the coordination with CIUs, Line Ministries, PAFO, traders, FBOs, Farmers and others for data collection.
8. Train the government counterpart staff to assist the consultant in data collection.
9. Conduct the visit to CIUs, Line Ministries, PAFO, traders, FBOs and farmers for collecting the data.
10. Conduct the data analysis and prepare comparative graphics and tabulation to show the changes before and after the project.
11.Conduct the meeting with CIUs and PMU to discuss the result of the survey.
12.Develop draft survey report and organize workshop to present the results.
13.After workshop, finalize the report and produce the final survey report.