Regulatory Impact Assessment & Regulatory Reform
- (2022) SADC: Developing an Regulatory Impact Assessment tool for SPS Measures, laws, regulations, TRs, etc.
- (2022) Vietnam: revision of the Law on Products and Goods Quality, 2007.
- (2022) Georgia: International RIA Expert for the EU-funded Facility for the Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement-II, in the role of Senior Expert conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Construction Products Regulation, specifically applied to Technical Regulations for Construction Products, in relation to World Customs Organization Harmonised Standards, and EU CE Marking.
- (2022) Tanzania: Team Leader Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment through the project ‘Supervision and Advisory services for the Business Environment, Growth and Innovation (BEGIN) programme Component I’: integral Regulatory Impact Assessment on the “Regulatory Reform Blueprint” (consisting of 400+ Regulatory Reforms).
- (2021-2022) Regulatory Impact Assessment Training Expert for SADC, the Southern African Development Community. Consultancy Service to Facilitate Capacity-building Training workshops for Members of the SADC Technical Regulation Liaison Committee (TRLC) on the Principles of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). Four week training cycle, for four groups (two weeks for English speaking SADC Member States, one week Portuguese, and one week French).
- (2021-2022) Laos: International Impact Assessment Specialist for Trade Facilitation: Impact Assessment on the Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Handling in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Training government staff in Good Regulatory Practise, specifically including data collection and consultation.
- (2020) Regulatory Impact Assessment on the draft National Nutrition Policy in Uganda.
- (2020) National Quality Infrastructure Health Check in Cote d’Ivoire, with major a regulatory review component (standards, technical regulations), in combination with Good Regulatory Practise Workshops in both Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal.
- (2019) RIA training (training-of-trainers) for government officials in Zambia and private sector in assignment for the Standards Alliance (ANSI/USAID), Zambia.
- (2019) Lead Consultant Legal Review and Capacity Building, Saint Lucia – among other services: Conduct a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the draft Standards and Metrology legislation which will be held as an example into how a RIA should be prepared and what should be included; Develop and establish RIA template model document.
- (2018) Consultancy for Provision of Training Services on Regulatory Impact Assessment, 7-week cycle for key government officials of the Government of Uganda in the 14 government sectors, Uganda.
- (2018) Azerbaijan: Lead Consultant Impact Assessment Training for British Petroleum (BP).
- (2017) Consultancy for Provision of Training Services on Regulatory Impact Assessment, Competitive and Enterprise Development Project, Uganda.
- (2017) Consultancy Services for Cost Analysis of the Business Licensing Reforms and Conducting Training on the Application of the Standard Cost Model, Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP), Uganda.
- (2017) STE Regulatory Reform for the Project Supporting Accelerated Investment in Sri Lanka (SAIL).
- (2016) STE TA for the SADC Trade Related Facility, specifically Botswana strengthening the management and control of SPS and the Standards Import Inspection Regulations.
- (2016) One Door Service Implementation Analysis and Proposal for an Action Plan, including review of legal instruments, Laos.
- (2016-2021) Regulatory Improvement Project FOMILENIO II, El Salvador.
- (2016) Training Regulatory Impact Assessment for Industrial Sector Regulators, for the Trade and Domestic Market Enhancement Programme – Industry & Standards, Egypt.
- (2015) Administrative Simplification in Selected Ministries, for OMSAR in Lebanon. SCM-expert.
- (2015) Strengthening the capacity of Egyptian Regulatory Reform and Development Activity (ERRADA) functions in the Government.
- (2013) License Simplification, Regulatory Review & Legal Drafting Tourism & Liquor License in Lesotho.
- (2012) Economic Impact Assessment on Changes in CBN Cashless Policy, Nigeria. With the aid of a DCED Standard for Results Measurement compliant M&E-system.
- (2012) Public Private Dialogue on Multiple Taxation in Nigeria.
- (2009-2010) Business Registration Reform as part of the Competitive Enhancement Program, Suriname.
- (2008) Netherlands Antilles (observer status in Cariforum). Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Netherlands: RIA Programme for the Netherlands Antilles.
- (2008) SCM 2.0 Kenya Regref Programme, project development
- (2008) RIA Training Malta, project development
- (2006-2008) Working experience at ACTAL, Advisory Board on Regulatory Burden. ACTAL was labelled WORLD LEADER in Regulatory Simplification in a World Bank Review of 2007. Continuous Regulatory Impact Assessment of current, existing and proposed legislation and regulations. High level expert negotiations on regulatory reform with high ranking civil servants, directors-general, deputy-Ministers and Ministers.
- (2007) Training Regulatory Impact Assessment, Jacobs, Cordova & Associates, and College d’Europe, Bruges.
- (2003) Regulatory Impact Assessment on the introduction of Chemical Toxicity Test Regulation in dredging practices. Project financer: Ministry of Transport and Water Management.
- (2003) Evaluation Connekt, national network institution of the Transport Sector, B&A Group (2003)
- (2003) Uniformising Enforcement Terms: as part of the Regulatory Simplification Program of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the project on Uniformising Enforcement Terms meant to harmonize terms in the “social security chain”, from the Ministry of Social Affairs to the Public Prosecution.
- (1994-1999) Regulatory Impact Assessment on the introduction of Chemical Toxicity Test Regulation in dredging practices. Project financer: Ministry of Transport and Water Management.
- (1994-1999) Regulatory burden projects at EIM.
- Very Strong experience in one of the main Measurement Models of Regulatory Impact Assessment: the Standard Cost Model (SCM), totalling more than 10 years; acquired both at ACTAL (the Dutch Advisory Board on Administrative Burdens), and at EIM being involved in DEVELOPING, TESTING and ADVOCACY of the SCM across Dutch governmental bodies. Recent application of the SCM-model included the Tourism Licensing Simplification, Lesotho and as SCM-expert in the project Administrative Simplification in Selected Ministries, for OMSAR in Lebanon.