RIA Training for SADC TRLC
Consultancy Service to Facilitate Capacity-building Training workshops for Members of the SADC Technical Regulation Liaison Committee (TRLC) on the Principles of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).
The overall objective of this assignment is to contribute to the increase in intra-regional trade through the reduction or elimination of unnecessary trade barriers caused by unbalanced technical regulations.
The specific objectives of the assignment are to: raise awareness of the Member States on the importance of performing Regulatory Impact Assessments; and to capacitate members of the SADCTRLC on the application of the principles of regulatory impact assessment;
Member States are divided into 4 groups. The services delivered:
(i) Inception Phase: Upon receipt of the ToR and 5 days after a kick-off meeting, the STE will be meet the SADC Technical Assistance Team and the SADC TRLC to present an Inception Report, in which they will show their understanding of the ToR. At the Inception meeting they will also present their Training Material for the Evaluation of the TAT. This Training material will have been circulated to the TAT prior to the Inception meeting to allow the TAT to prepare their comments ahead of the Inception meeting – estimated 15 days overall (i.e. 5 days per expert) working remotely at the work base of the expert(s);
(ii) Conduct a 4-day virtual training workshop on Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA): Use the opportunity to collect information regarding experiences and gaps in SADC Member States relating to RIAs. On each day, the training session will be 3.5 hours duration, starting at 09:00 and ending at 12:30hours. The afternoon will be used by the STE to compile a Training Report for the day – estimated 20 days overall (i.e. 5 days in 4 groups of 20 participants) working remotely at the work base of the expert(s);
(iii) Produce Training Report for each group trained and End of Assignment Report (EoAR): for approval by the SADC TBT/SPS Unit and SADCTRLC – estimated 12 days overall (i.e. 3 days per Report and 4 groups) working remotely at the work base of the expert(s);
(iv) Prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation to the TAT for the purpose of closing-out the assignment: At this presentation the STE will outline any information gathered at each of the training sessions in order to assist the TAT to formulate future training requirements – estimated 6 days overall (i.e. 2 days per Report and 3 experts, one per language) working remotely at the work base of the expert(s).