Train the SPS regulatory institutions on the risk-based scientific approach to developing technical regulations
Bring specialist technical knowledge on the SADC regional, continental and global SPS landscape for enhancing the capacity of national Food Safety Regulatory Agencies. The services will be delivered in seven separate Parts as follows:
Part 1: Produce an Inception Report: including a preliminary template for collection of data to be discussed with, and approved by, the SADC Secretariat;
Part 2: Draft Best-Practice Guidelines: using the previously developed (2022/2023) Best-Practice Guidelines on the Harmonisation of SPS Measures and the Framework for Enabling Imported Products to be Sampled at the Point of Entry into SADC, develop Good Practice Guidelines for a risk-based approach to the development of SPS-related measures, which shall include a Self-Assessment Tool which MS authorities can assess their alignment with best-practice and capacity-development needs for collation by the STE;
Part 3: Desk-based Analysis and Consultation: perform desk-based analysis of the data and information collected and identify the common trends and develop training material accordingly;
Part 4: Preparation of Training Materials: develop a Training Manual and PowerPoint slide deck on a risk-based approach to the development of SPS related measures, taking into account the identified needs of the SADC MS;
Part 5: Delivery of Training: deliver a (2-day) regional training session for the identified MS SPS regulatory bodies, with the approval and assistance of the SADC Secretariat and in accordance with the needs assessment returns of the SADC MS regulators. The training workshop shall include a compulsory Participant Contact Information and Evaluation Survey instrument to be completed by all attendees to be submitted to SADC Secretariat;
Part 6: Training Report: produce and submit a Training Report to the SADC Secretariat;
Part 7: End of Assignment Report (EoAR): produce and submit an End of Assignment Report (EoAR) and Annexes to the SADC Secretariat;