Quality Infrastructure: Weights and Measures Policy & Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy
To empower MCILI, US-SEGA, the expert is appointed to support high-priority policy areas:
Weights and Measures
The Weights and Measures Act No. 12 of 1973 was amended in 1979 and came into force in 1980, providing several measures to be observed and respected for transactions of trade in the Solomon Islands. The Act ensures that fair trading practices take place in the markets and shops and establishes the appointment of qualified officers to ensure accuracy in all measurement of physical quantities in industry and commerce throughout the Solomon Islands.
Under section 15 of the Weights and Measures Act, “the Minister can make additional regulations to better carry out the provisions and purposes of the act”. To ensure that MCILI’s Consumer Affairs and Price Control Division is best situated to address compliance and acceptance of measuring instruments and promote transparency in the market, SCALE T&I will support MCILI to draft a Weights and Measures Policy, as none currently exists and is required before any review or drafting of an Act or Regulation. SCALE T&I will also support the review of a draft regulation that MCILI plans to update and move forward. SCALE T&I will engage a seasoned expert to support this work.
This expert will review the regulation, and propose, if needed revisions that incorporate weights and measures policies that are effective, rooted in best practice, focus on improved outcomes, and feasible for the Solomon Island’s current and future capacity.
Specifically, the expert shall:
- Review possible impacts of various weights and measures rules and regulations from a political and economic standpoint;
- Conduct research and interviews (with public and private sectors), and use expertise to draft a Weights and Measures Policy and accompanying Drafting Instructions in accordance with the Solomon Islands Government’s Handbook for Legislative Drafting;
- Apply expertise and regulations to provide feedback on (including a possible re-write, if needed, of) the draft Weights and Measures Regulations;
- Participate in meetings as needed and provide regular updates to US-SEGA and MCILI;
- Assist US-SEGA with planning a Public-Private Dialogue to encourage an alignment of private sector and government; and
- Incorporate any feedback from the Public-Private Dialogue, into the Weights & Measures Policy (and complementary drafting instructions if required), and the draft Regulation.
Trade Standards and Quality Control
MCILI’s Consumer Affairs and Price Control Division has been dedicated to reviewing its full suite of policies to ensure comprehensive safeguarding of consumers while facilitating competitive, fair, and transparent commerce. As of 2023, there is not yet an existing policy in the Solomon Islands on Trade Standards and Quality Control. MCILI is interested in developing a Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy, and eventually an Act, in order to 1) develop a standards and quality control Advisory Council, 2) provide for standards specifications to be prescribed for goods, services, and control quality of products, and 3) develop the framework for inspections.
SCALE T&I will support MCILI to draft an initial Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy based on recognized international best practices and tailored to the Solomon Islands’ context.
Specifically, the expert shall:
- Draft an initial concept note (3-5 pages) motivating the need for a Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy, drawing on experience, international best practice, and the country context;
- Review the authorities and policies, regulations, etc. of the Solomon Islands covering aspects relevant to Trade Standards and Quality control;
- Conduct research and interviews (with public and private sectors) and use expertise to draft a Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy and accompanying Drafting Instructions in accordance with the Solomon Islands Government’s Handbook for Legislative Drafting;
- Participate in meetings as needed and provide regular updates to US-SEGA and MCILI;
- Assist US-SEGA with planning of a Public-Private Dialogue to encourage an alignment of private sector and government on the policy;
- Incorporate any feedback from the Public-Private Dialogue, into the Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy.
The expert will deliver the following:
- Draft Weights and Measures Policy
- Weights and Measures Drafting Instructions
- Annotated review of draft Weights and Measures Regulation and recommendations for updating
- Agenda and discussion questions for facilitation of a Public-Private Dialogue on the Weights and Measures Policy and draft Regulation
- Virtual attendance to the Public-Private Dialogue between MCILI and the private sector on Weights and Measures
- Final Weights and Measures Policy incorporating feedback from the Public-Private Dialogue, and proposed revisions to the draft Regulation if necessary based on the Public-Private Dialogue
- Concept note for Trade Standards and Quality Control
- Draft Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy
- Trade Standards and Quality Control Drafting Instructions
- Agenda and discussion questions for facilitation of a Public-Private Dialogue on the Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy
- Virtual attendance, if possible, to the Public-Private Dialogue between MCILI and the private sector on Trade Standards and Quality Control
- Final Trade Standards and Quality Control Policy incorporating feedback from the Public-Private Dialogue
- In-brief and out-brief with USAID.