- (2023) Drafting of a Handbook on the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)
- (2022) Consultancy Services for developing a mechanism for assessing the potential of Member State Non-Tariff Measures to pose as Technical Barriers to Trade, for the SADC-EU Trade Related Facility.
- (2022) For the EU-funded Facility for the Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement-II, in the role of Senior Expert conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Construction Products Regulation, specifically applied to Technical Regulations for Construction Products, in relation to World Customs Organization Harmonised Standards, and EU CE Marking.
- (2022) Tanzania: Supervision and Advisory services for the Business Environment, Growth and Innovation (BEGIN) programme Component I’, Impact Assessment on the “Regulatory Reform Blueprint”. Regulatory Reform in context of EU-EAC EPA covering trade in Goods and Services, and Trade Related Issues (competition policy, investment and private sector development, intellectual property rights, trade and sustainable development, and transparency in public procurement).
- (2021-2022) Consultancy Service to Facilitate Trade related Capacity-building Training workshops for Members of the SADC Technical Regulation Liaison Committee (TRLC) on the Principles of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the SADC-EU Trade Related Facility.
- (2020-2021) Botswana (remote): SADC, Southern African Development Community, Trade Related Facility. Regulatory Impact Assessment Training Expert. Consultancy Service to Facilitate Capacity-building Training workshops for Members of the SADC Technical Regulation Liaison Committee (TRLC) on the Principles of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). Four week training cycle, for four groups (two weeks for English speaking SADC Member States, one week Portuguese, and one week French).
- (2021-2022) Laos (remote). Trade Facilitation: Impact Assessment on the Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Handling in the Greater Mekong Subregion. For the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, as International Impact Assessment Specialist in coordination with national impact assessment specialist perform an impact assessment on the improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) handling in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Training government staff in Data Collection.
- (2020) Cote d’Ivoire/Senegal: Lead Consultant for the project National Quality Infrastructure Health Check for Cote d’Ivoire and Good Regulatory Practise Workshops in Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal for the American National Standards Institute. Primary consultant in the assessment and analysis of Cote d’Ivoire’s Regulatory and Institutional structure in the context of Trade Promotion. Technical expert for workshop(s) on Good Regulatory Practice in Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire providing presentations on trends in regulatory review across the African continent and effective implementation of RIA practise.
- (2019) With the aim for increased TRADE opportunities and TRADE promotion, organised by the American National Standards Institute, Good Regulatory Practise and Regulatory Reform Training, Zambia.
- (2019) Mauritius: Bid Consultant for an extensive proposal (Rationale, Strategy + LogFrame) on the project ‘Improving Business and Investment Climate’. The overall objective of the Improving the Business and Investment Climate Project is to support Mauritius with the implementation of the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) by improving the business and investment climate.
- (2019) Saint Lucia/CROSQ. Lead Consultant Legal Review and Capacity Building Good Regulatory Practise and Regulatory Impact Assessment.With the over-all goal of TRADE promotion and in the context of the Commonwealth Standards Network, and in consultation with National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) experts, the NQI committee, the Attorney General office together with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, Saint Lucia (2019). Amongs others, drafting of a new Standards Act, and a Good Regulatory Practise document in the context of a National Quality Infrastructure.
- (2016-2021) Regulatory Improvement Project FOMILENIO II related to Trade development (Customs, Weights & Measures, etc.) El Salvador.
- (2016) Team leader – Business Environment Expert (Category I) Support in Formulisation of a Business Environment Programme, for the EU Delegation in Egypt.
- (2015) Technical Assistance to the Administrative Simplification in Selected Ministries in Lebanon (Ministries of Social Affairs, Tourism, Public Health and Industry. Project funded by EuropeAid (EuropeAid/134308/D/SER/LB Lebanon).
- (2015) Project Development supporting negotiation-positions of SADC-member states concerning the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on TRADE in Services between the EU and SADC (Southern Africa). Sector profile studies specifically focused on SMEs and regulatory framework analysis, as preparation for sector-specific negotiations between EU and SADC-members, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique.
- (2016) Botswana: Lead Consultant for the SADC Trade Related Facility. Lead Consultant for the SADC Trade Related Facility. Provision of TA to Develop a Project Proposal for Botswana under the SADC Trade Related Facility. Development of a Project Proposal on Strengthening Capacity for SPS management and control and the management of the Standards Import Inspection Regulations.
- (2016) Egypt: Lead Consultant Training RIA for Industrial Sector Regulators, Trade and Domestic Market Enhancement Programme. Develop and Provide Training in RIA for Industrial Sector Regulators. Set out provision of training sessions to regulators in accordance with the ERRADA Guidelines on RIA. Provision of seminars to the various stakeholders. In cooperation with ERRADA, provide training to MTI and beneficiary lawyers. Three Scenarios worked out: Industry License Law, Market Surveillance, and Metrology Law.
- (2013) IFC funded project Tourism Licensing Simplification in Lesotho. Provided technical assistance to the Ministry in developing simplified, efficient and transparent regulations and processes to reduce the total costs of administering the licensing process through the simplification of procedures and a review of institutional roles and responsibilities. International comparison in TRADE in Tourism Services with other countries such as Mauritius, South Africa, Kenya, and particularly Mozambique in the context of GoM’s guiding documents for regulatory reform ‘Strategy to Improve the Business Environment’ (EMAN, 2008-2012) and the ‘2012 Action Plan to Improve the Business Environment’ (PAMAN, 2012).
- (2013) Assisted the Nigerian Federal Ministry of TRADE and Investment in the improvement of the quality and quantity of business advocacy and Public-Private Dialogue (PPD), resulting in an improved legal, policy and regulatory environment for business.
- (2010) Project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, for the Ministry of TRADE and Industry, Suriname. In the context of the Competitiveness Enhancement Programme in Suriname, prepared an Action Plan to improve competitiveness and assist institutions to implement measures and simplify procedures. Conducted diagnostic and benchmarking of Suriname’s competitiveness and assisted the Ministry of Trade and Industry in presentation of the results; Prepared draft reform of the Decree E-24 SB, 145 and 147, on business Licensing for the Sectors Trade, Industry, Craft Industry and Tourism.
- (2008) Netherlands Antilles (observer status in Cariforum). Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Netherlands: RIA Programme for the Netherlands Antilles with regard to the TRADE Protocols of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU.
- (1994-1999) EIM: Five years of research focusing on (international) Wholesale TRADE: Sector Enterprise Assessments, Sector Profiling Studies, Access to Finance Projects, ICT-usage, and Regulatory Framework Studies. European Observatory for SMEs, TRADE.
- (1990-1991) Certificates European TRADE Law I & II, University of Utrecht.