Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP), Uganda: Cost Analysis of Business Licensing Reforms 2012-2017
The Report of this project has been published on the Uganda Business Licensing Information Portal.
Consultancy Services for Cost Analysis of the Business Licensing Reforms and Conducting Training on the Application of the Standard Cost Model (2017), for the World Bank program Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP), in Uganda. Specific tasks included: 1. Establish the number of business licensing reforms implemented since 2012. 2. Calculate the Compliance Costs changes for businesses of the business licensing reforms for the period 2012-2017. 3. Identify capacity gaps in both the Standard Cost Model and monitoring of reforms being implemented to ensure there is adequate information to facilitate the development of a Training Manual. 4. Conduct five private sector workshops in the country, including Kampala, Mbarara, Arua, Gule and Mbale. 5. Train a selected team of government officials to identify, collect and analyze information required for an assessment of administrative compliance costs. This training included a further scrutiny and vetting of existing data and sources about business licenses.