Development of a handbook and an awareness-raising workshop on Chapter 5 (TBT) of the EVFTA.
This Handbook on the Transparency Commitments of Chapter 5 (TBT) of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) will include easy-to-understand information on the principles of Chapter 5 and the rationale behind it.
The proposed “Handbook on Chapter 5 (TBT) of the EVFTA” should make it very clear what both signatories’ commitments on TBT are and what they mean for both the public sector regulators and private sector businesses and enterprises in Viet Nam. An easy-to-understand handbook will be prepared by the non-key experts in cooperation with STAMEQ’s TBT Viet Nam Office and will be disseminated by an awareness-raising workshop for the TBT Vietnam Office network, such as Viet Nam’s line ministries and regulatory agencies, as well as for the private sector stakeholders.
The project involves the following tasks:
• Conduct the first meeting (or a series of meetings) with STAMEQ and its relevant departments. At these meetings, the following issues should be discussed and agreed:
– Submit and agree on the content and outline of the Handbook on “Transparency Commitments of Chapter 5 (TBT) of EVFTA.”
– Arrange the date, place, logistics and organisational arrangements of the workshop
• Organise an awareness-raising workshop on this subject
• Arrange for the Vietnamese translation of the Handbook’s English text
• Analyse and study Chapter 5 (TBT) of EVFTA, as well as the equivalent corresponding parts of the WTO TBT Agreement
• Prepare the first draft of the proposed handbook and workshop’s content
• Deliver the workshop.
• Publish and translate the handbook
• Draft a brief media report about why this will help with implementing the EVFTA for the project website, newsletter, etc., with support from the project communication staff.
• Draft summary report on the completed activity and submit it to STAMEQ, and the EUD.